
Ways to Work with Lighthouse Advisory

Ways to Work with Lighthouse Advisory

Hiring your first employee is such an exciting time for a business and can be really overwhelming if you, the business owner, are also stepping into the role of HR, Payroll, and Manager. If you’re feeling a bit stressed, you’re not alone! I hope this checklist helps, and remember, once you find the right person to fill the role, the possibilities are endless! 

Boost Your Business Profits with Management Analysis

Boost Your Business Profits with Management Analysis

We all want our businesses to be more profitable, right? Clients come to us with frustration over feeling stuck or plateaued in their income without realizing they are missing out on a key strategy that would boost profits without the need to increase sales.

7 Steps to Increase Business Profits

7 Steps to Increase Business Profits

Let’s walk through my 7-step framework to help you increase your business profits. With a few strategic tweaks, you can have more money in your pocket without any fancy marketing funnels.

How Performing an Expense Analysis Helps Your Business Succeed

How Performing an Expense Analysis Helps Your Business Succeed

An expense analysis is the process of strategically reviewing your business expenses and taking the time to audit and review each of them. It’s important to perform a proper expense analysis at least quarterly in order to ensure all your expenses are correct and up-to-date.

Think this is something you can skip or get away with performing annually?

Think again.

Let me share five stories of how an expenses analysis saved a business money or cleaned up the business books so that everything was running smoothly. But first, let me share some backstory.

5 Common Questions about Working with Lighthouse Advisory Answered

5 Common Questions about Working with Lighthouse Advisory Answered

This all started a few weeks ago when a business owner reached out with some questions about working with me. I had a realization that other business owners could have the same questions. While I love participating in 1:1 networking and my free introductory calls, I thought that if I took the time to record our conversation that it could answer those questions for you and when we meet, we can talk more about your business.

You can watch the video of our conversation on the blog. I hope this answers your questions, and you feel ready to go ahead and schedule our initial call.

Grow Your Profit with Your Own CFO

Grow Your Profit with Your Own CFO

As a business owner, you work really hard and wear multiple hats (and scarves and shirts) to make everything work. You deserve to enjoy the fruits of your labor and live well without feeling stressed come tax season or hoping there’s enough money to pay yourself each month. There’s a better way to manage your business cash flow without increasing sales.

Finding your successes in 2020!

2020 has been a tough year. Take a moment to reflect on your successes and see some of mine. These ideas and adjustments are worth celebrating! I have pulled together some areas where I have seen some of your businesses excel; take a moment, recognize yourself for those wins.

Building Your Strategy: Putting you on the path for success!

If you're working on next year's plan and could use a little help, take a moment to read our latest Blog post on building your strategy. Creating a comprehensive Strategic Plan is critical to achieving your goals. This month we're weighing in on what is the most important and how to develop a well thought out plan.

Contrasting Bookkeepers, Accountants, and CFO/Controller

If you aren’t sure what the difference is between a bookkeeper or accountant and a controller/CFO, it’s ok, you aren’t alone. I frequently get asked if I provide bookkeeping services (I do not) but not everyone understands why. I wanted to use this month’s newsletter to explain what the differences are between the two roles.

So you have a budget, what's next?

Whether your business is 30 days or 30 years old, at some point you most likely thought about developing a budget to keep your expenses in check. Your budget should not just be a static object to adhere to, but rather a fluid management tool used to measure your progress against targets.